Moti Buchboot
Like many people I know, my first introduction to martial arts was through watching the most
recent Kung Fu action film with my dad and little brother. After emerging out of the theatre,
my brother and I would try to imitate the moves that we had just seen (especially the sounds!).
Despite that early fascination with the martial arts, I didn't pursue it until I completed my service
in the military. Needless to say, once I tried it I was hooked. That was more than twenty years ago.
Since then, I’ve tried my hands and feet in a variety of styles. Following the army service, I was
looking for the least combative art form and found it in Tai Chi; an art that is sometimes referred
to as "moving meditation." Seeing photos of the magnificent gymnastic feat of Capoeira players in Brazil
inspired me to call the Brazilian consulate to find out about classes. Studying with Mestre Amen Santo
showed me that there was more to the art than fancy flips and kicks; that it’s fun, playful and creates
a community. After breaking both of my wrists in a work related accident, I was forced to take some time
away from the art. When I did get back to training I rediscovered Krav Maga; an Israeli fighting art form
which I was introduced to first in the military. At the same training facility, I encountered Kru Vut Kamnark
and Muay Thai. I found that Muay Thai had a combination that many other styles lack;
a deep rooted tradition and a very practical way of applying the moves. In time, I became an instructor under Kru Vut
with the United World Muay Thai Association. Dancing and Tango became a big part of my life, so much, that I took
a year or two away from martial arts. When I decided to go back, I searched for a style that complemented my dancing
and found Kung Fu, Choi Lai Fut in particular, an elegant form of martial art that I still practice today
With Sifu Nan Marcia Schwartz.
Playing Capoeira with Mestre Bisola.
Practicing Muay Thai at LA boxing gym.