Tuesday Beginner Class in Santa Monica. No regular group lessons until further notice.
Join Moti on Tuedsday nights for an ongoing 5 week progressive beginner class in Santa Monica.
This class provides students with the fundamental vocabulary, techniques, and concepts necessary to build a successful foundation for Argentine tango social dancing.
The class avoids the rote memorization of patterns and steps, which often leaves novice dancers fumbling on the dance floor.
It instead emphasizes basic concepts of leading and following and the relationship among partners, the music, and other dancers to prepare students for any tango social dance experience.
Moti's teaching style, couched in a highly-energized, yet casual and relaxed environment, allows students to learn simply, quickly, and confidently.
Time: 8:00-9:00pm
Location: Varieties International
2523 17th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Cost: $60 for series, $15 one class, student & veteran $50 for Series, $12 one class
*Beginner special good for only for the series it was purchased for.
**No partner required.
*** Closed toe leather soled shoes recommended.
For directions go to:
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to contact Moti via email
at buchboot@earthlink.net or call him at (310) 625-6501.